Members of the group who have expressed serious worry over acts of violence and misconduct during the electioneering period say the political space in the country has been plagued with what they term as demonic forces.
Among the execrable activities, they want to be ridden off in the Ghanaian political discourse are sabotage tribalism, hate speech and abuse of power.
These were highlighted in a speech by the Council under the leadership of its chairman, Rt. Rev. Prof. Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante during the outdooring of the group’s Eminent Persons.
The Christian Council has therefore expressed its willingness to seriously but humbly engage political leaders, the media, security agencies, the Electoral Commission and the citizenry to making sure that Ghana has free, fair and just elections devoid of any intimidation or violence.
According to Rev. Mante, “I have observed some four demonic forces in Ghana’s politics that must be exorcised. We may in future make time to break down and expatiate on them more carefully, but for the sake of time, I will only touch on them briefly.”
These are:
1. The demon of wishing the downfall of a ruling government just to gain political points. We should note that anytime this demonic trait is triggered we all lose as a country; we never progress in our development as a country in that kind of environment. This spirit must be exorcised.
2. The demon of ethnic or tribal polarization. There are people in this country who sometimes give the impression that some tribes are more Ghanaian than other tribes. The worse thing is that they use it politically during the elections period. This is a demon that must be exorcised. This position can be held by either the ruling government in power. Ghana does not belong to any particular ethnic or tribal group; it belongs to all of us-Dagombas, Kusaasis, Bonos, Asantes, Ewews, Fantes, Kwahus, Akyems, Akuapems, etc, we are all one people. The politics of tribal polarization during the electioneering campaign is demonic and it must be stopped immediately and exorcised from our growing democracy.
3. The demon of uncultured and hate speech and lies. Just because of elections people insult other people’s character and personalities; some very young men (small boys and girls) just insult others who are far older than them to even be their fathers and mothers. Sometimes one wonders who nurtured such people. This attitude is a disgrace in Ghana’s politics and it must be eschewed. Do we want to teach the younger generation that politics ais a dirty game? Is that what we want to leave with our children? This is a shame and a demon that must be exorcised.
4. The demon of violence and abuse of power. There are people who talk about violence and act violently. They exhibit these characteristics during electioneering campaigns. Sometimes their leaders acquiesce and support them by not saying anything. When those who speak and act violently are supported by those in power then there is no country but anarchy. This is definitely evil.
Click here for the full statement from the Christian Council.